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10 Digital Marketing Mistakes Which May Be Holding You Back

Posted on: 26th July 2018

If you’re like a lot people on the internet, and you’re part of a business, you might be making some mistakes which could be holding your company back from reaching its full online potential. Within this article we examine 10 of the most common digital marketing mistakes so that you can identify and avoid them.

1) Ignoring Mobile

If you have a website that is great on desktop but loads slowly and is unresponsive on mobile, then you are potentially neglecting just over half of all traffic! Mobile first design is something that has become more and more popular within web design over recent years and if you couple this with mobile-first indexing, it’s clear to see just how important it is to have a mobile friendly and responsive website.

2) Not Having Or Using A Blog

Having and maintaining a blog can be a strenuous and monotonous task. However, if you can find content that you enjoy writing about and is relevant to your company and what your company is doing, then it’s a great way to help improve your SEO. Writing a blog article once a month is a really good way to give your search engine rankings a bit of a boost and to help target long-tail keywords.

If you can have a consistent blogging schedule, it is likely that Google will give you a nice boost for posting fresh content regularly, pair that with the rest of the tips in this article and you should see some significant improvements to your marketing results.

3) Not Using Social Media

Not having social media or not being active on social media, can really hinder your company’s image and user relationship. Within our article (Social Media: are you doing it right) you can easily get to grips with the basics of social media and get your company on its way to having a better interaction with its clients.

When you’re using social media, you should try to make sure you have a regular posting schedule to help avoid seeing a drop off in users viewing your posts or profile. Along with this, try to show a more personal side to your company but avoid using foul language or posting things that are of bad taste.

4) Wrong Target Audience

A lot of companies who struggle to see a good return on their marketing investments may be targeting the wrong audience. Rather than targeting specific groups, many companies decide to go for the shotgun approach of trying to hit everyone they possibly can without regard for who they are or what interests they hold in relation to their product or company. In theory, this can work as a marketing strategy but it should mainly be used as a market research method to see what types of people are interested in your products.

5) Not Focusing On SEO

Focusing on SEO isn’t as simple as adding a few keywords to a page, in fact keyword stuffing is now seen as an archaic and negative SEO strategy. SEO is a constantly evolving practise which encompasses a range of different factors (too many to cover in this article). However, that being said here are 6 basic and fundamental SEO tactics which you can implement to help get you on your way.

  • Clean, accessible and crawlable URLs
  • Optimised and compelling title and meta tags
  • Unique and informative content
  • Correctly formatted HTML (H tags, alt tags, title tags, etc)
  • Rich snippets and schema markup
  • Correctly implemented canonical tags

If you would like more guidance regarding SEO and how you can correctly optimise your website, please feel free to get in touch.

Pro Tip: Although it is ill-advised to focus on keyword stuffing, it is important to conduct an in-depth keyword analysis. The goal here is to discover some primary and secondary keywords which your real-world customers are using so that you can optimise your content accordingly.

6) Not Using Email Campaigns

With the recent introduction of GDPR, you might be thinking the days of email marketing campaigns are over, that isn’t the case. As long as you have accurate consent from your subscribers then you are allowed to send them emails with offers and deals.

Email marketing campaigns are a great way to promote your products and increase your conversion rate, providing you are doing it correctly. An effective email marketing campaign is all about targeting the right audience and measuring their response. This can be done using segments or subsets of your subscriber mailing list. For example, if you’re a car leasing broker a good strategy might be to create subsets and segments based on manufacturers and send different targeted deals and campaigns to each.

Pro Tip: Measuring your subscriber’s response via opens and click-throughs is vital to being able to further optimise your future campaigns.

7) Having A Slow Website

Having a slow website can be a massive hindrance to your company and marketing efforts, you might follow through with everything else on this list, but if a user clicks on your website and it takes a long time to load, they are almost certainly going to go elsewhere.

If you have a slow website, your digital marketing is likely to be hindered not only because of people wanting to leave your site, but also because Google may penalise you for having a poorly optimised website.

To find out how you can speed up your website view one of our previous articles which outlines 7 ways to speed up your website.

Pro Tip:Ensuring your images are compressed and optimised to the correct size can help to increase the speed of your website.

8) Not Having A Digital Presence

If you are trying to market to people on the internet then you need to make sure you have every base covered, make sure you have a Facebook page that is active; ensure your company has an Instagram page; make it clear where people can contact you to get more details about your company.

If your digital presence is there, but it isn’t getting much in the way of attention, then you likely need to refer back to the point of using social media and blogging to make sure people can find you when they inevitably search for you.

9) Not Engaging

Engaging with your existing customers is just as important as engaging with potential customers, whether that be through social media, email or in-person. The goal is to ensure your company is available and easily accessible to your audience whenever they need you and a great tool to help you achieve this is live chat. Encouraging users to interact and share experiences with your company will help to build strong relationships, increase brand growth and develop strong customer loyalty.

Pro Tip: The customer experience is not just about sales, it’s about getting answers to your questions, having your problems solved and feeling a connection to the brand.

And finally...

10) Not Having A Website

Surprisingly enough, a lot of companies out there don’t actually have a website, so advertising online is almost a moot point for them. Now, if you are one of those businesses who still doesn’t have a website, then you may be asking yourself “do I really need one?” and the answer is “Yes, absolutely!”. Besides being the place where so many of your potential customers spend most of their time, the internet can be used to open up an additional marketing channel allowing you to reach a whole new range of customers you never knew existed.

Having a company website isn’t just about reaching new customers, it’s also about connecting and retaining your existing customers. So many people nowadays look to the internet, particularly on their smartphones, when they need information or when they’re out shopping. If your company isn’t appearing in their search results when they need you then chances are they’ll go straight to your competitor!

Round Up

So that concludes our list of 10 digital marketing mistakes which may be holding you back. Although there are other factors to consider, we hope this article has given you some insight into how to better optimise your website and digital marketing efforts, which will ultimately return better results.

If you would like any further help or advice regarding web design or digital marketing, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Or alternatively, why not take a look through some of past articles.